Programs & Curriculums

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The Curiosity Approach

Authentic Resources

Authentic Resources

The real thing!  Beautiful authentic resources rescued from car boots up & down the land, turning trash into treasure!! Bright shiny beautiful items, eclectic random treasure that captures children and educator’s imagination.  Resources that offer value to play, brining a mix of textures and stimulus that no plastic cartoon embossed tea set can offer.


Process Not Product

For our wonderful children it’s the process of learning that is to be enjoyed and savoured, not the end product.  It is incredibly easy for children to enjoy the process because they haven’t yet been conditioned to value product over process.


Invitation To Learning

Creating magical pockets of learning, throughout the environment, which send subliminal messages to children, gently inviting them to come and play.

Natural Resources

It is vital that teachers provide natural material as part of their core offer.  They offer so many more opportunities for creativity, imagination and joyfulness in their play.  Natural resources provide a range of textures and possibilities for children to explore closely using all of their senses.  They are flexible, open-ended, aesthetic, and unique.

Opportunities Outdoors

“The best classroom and the richest cupboard are roofed only by the sky”-Margaret McMillan.  We must offer our children unhurried and plentiful outdoor experiences.  No special equipment is ever needed here just the wonder of nature and all her gifts.

Enchanting Environments

At our school we aim to create a world of magic and wonder, a place to tinker and explore.  A special place where chilren are the center of everything, filling their hearts and minds with a sense of incredible awe and wonder.

The Pond Room  –

 0 to 1 Year

High-quality care and learning for infants is one of the ways to promote your baby’s development.  The Curiosity Approach that we have chosen to adopt in our center has allowed us the opportunity to use many approaches such as Montessori and Reggio to create a nice blend for your baby’s developmental needs.  This allows us to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere for young learner while encouraging freedom and a sense of structure as they ineract with others.

Children are competent, active learners even from infancy.  With the Curiosity Approach, relationships are emphasized in an infant classroom.  This ensures that your baby receives the positive interaction he or she needs to promote healthy development. Moreover, a predictable routine is established to promote a sense of stability.  This makes the children feel secure and promotes social and language development.

With the approach, the classroom environment also plays a vital role in the children’s healthy development.  A high-quality classroom for children is designed to engage their senses.  Babies thrive in a soothing sensory environment where children develop their skills in the following areas:


  • Language skills that entail naming objects, singing, and discussing pictures
  • Fine motor skills that entail reaching, picking up objects, and doing artwork.
  • Social skills that entail developing manners through interactions.
  • Self-Care skills that entail toileting, eating, and more according to child’s capacity.

The Meadow Room

1 Year to 2.5 years

The Meadow room creates a cozy and comfortable learning triangle between the teachers, strudents, and the environment.  This setting encourages freedom, independence, and a sense of order while interacting with others.  This classroom is for students who have just started walking and are learning to explore and be independent.  

  • Fine Motor Skills:  Reaching, grasping picking up objects, transferring objects, using tools and utensils, and doing artwork.
  • Language:  Assigning labels to items, explaining activities and purposes, conversing about images, engaging in dialogue, enjoying music, and vocalizing melodies.
  • Social Skills:  Developing manners through interactions with peers, teachers, and adult-led small group games.
  • Self-care:  Washing, dressing, toileting, and eating, according to each child’s capacity.
  • Care of the Environment:  Cleaning, food preparation, food service, plant care, and animal care.
  • Large Motor activities (indoors and out):  Walking, climbing, running, jumping, balancing, climbing steps, and more.

The River Room

2.5 Years to 3.5 Years

Your two and three year old’s are becoming more verbal, continuing to explore new things around them and are beginning to develop social skills.  A balanced routine and flexibility is important at this age as your child’s developmental needs are different from their peers.

To do this, your child’s teacher and our classroom create a nuturing, home-like classroom where your child is treated as a capable individual, whose opinions, actions and thoughts are respected and valued.

Our Curiosity Approach is designed to stimulate the whole child through experiences in math, science, language, drama, and music.  Language development is rapid at this age, so we also take this opportunity to help increase their vocabulary.  Their daily activities are presented in a way to help develop each child’s imagination by learning through play.  We encourage our children to ask questions, speak their minds, and let them wander freely to help them become confident in their abilities.

In the Classroom:

Our children work both individually and in small groups while learning.  Students are self-paced and self-led whild being guided by our highly trained teachers.  Our Curiosity Approach setting consists of calm, tranquil spaces, helping our students have a clear mind while working.  Our curriculum is designed with your child’s success in mind and aims to accomplish all milestones.


Teachers introduce concepts like the following:

  • Opposites
  • Identifying emotions and basic directional skills
  • At this age, we also put a large focus on teaching self-awareness and fostering independence by helping your child master their self help skills including potty training.

The Forest Room

4’s & 5’s Class

Our Curiosity Approach is designed to stimulate the whole child through experiences in math, science, language, drama, and music.  Language development is rapid at this age, so we also take this opportunity to help increase their vocabulary.  Their daily activities are presented in a way to help develop each child’s imagination by learning through play.  We encourage our children to ask questions, speak their minds, and let them wander freely to help them become confident in their abilities.

In the Classroom:

Our children work both individually and in small groups while learning.  Students are self-paced and self-led while being guided by our highly trained teachers.  Our Curiosity Approach setting consists of calm, tranquil spaces, helping our students have a clear mind while working.  Our curriculum is designed with your child’s success in mind and aims to accomplish all milestones.

Learning and Social Skills

  • Expresses Ideas and Opinions
  • Life Skills
  • Social Interactions
  • Attends to Tasks and Follows Directions
  • Chooses and Accepts Challenging Tasks


  • Comprehend and Reads Grade Level Texts
  • Makes Predictions and Draws Conclusions

Mathematical Thinking

  • Identifies Numbers, Orally and Written
  • Applies Concepts of Addition and Subtraction
  • Identifies Basic Geometric Shapes

Cultural, Science, and Social Studies

  • Geography
  • Physical and Life Science
  • History


The Den

Before/After School-Age

Our Before and After School Program  offers students enriching opportunities for exploration and discovery beyond regular school hours.

Our program is thoughtfully designed to offer a diverse range of activites that not only bring joy and excitement but also reinforce the essential lessons and values learned during the school day.  

Note:  Please check with Grandville Public Schools to see if they will pick up and drop off at our location.


Program Includes:

  • Before school care and/or after school care
  • Engaging activities
  • A Snack for after school care
  • Breakfast for before school care (time alloted)